Introduction: Complimentary Server Hosted Website (Dropbox, GitHub, DNSPOD, and Freenom)

This tutorial will show how to host your website on two independent servers (a principal and a backup) this mode your website will most ever be online. Through 3rd party DNS forwarding you will be able to take your site indexed by Google and take advantage of Google Webmaster Tools.

Both of these sites:

Bank check out my site: Just4FunMedia.TK
Or the Example site: Zero-Orangish.TK

Are hosted using this method. Completely complimentary, with no adds!

As an instance I am going to host 1 of the free site templates available from Creative Market ( If you are even so designing your site or fifty-fifty if you think yous are finished I highly recommend taking a look at their high resolution symbols and fonts that will really make your site popular!

I will be using Creative Market's "Zero Orangish" site template. Available hither:

Because this site is dual hosted it will about never get down and is less vulnerable to DDOS and like "traffic jams" because information technology is able to divert backlog traffic to a secondary webpage.

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Step i: Reserve Your Domain Proper name

Every good website needs a overnice memorable domain proper name.

Freenom provides both gratuitous (.tk .ml .ga .cf .gq) and at cost (.ca .com .co etc...)

Since the free domain names are Free, if you lot cannot settle on a single name reserve your top few choices.

You can annals each name for up to 12 months and will ever have first dibs on renewal.

Footstep 2: Setup Your Primary Server

You volition now need to sign upward for Dropbox and download their app.

Once the app is downloaded allow it to create a Dropbox sync folder on your figurer. Identify your website source files in the "Public" area of your sync folder. Next right click on your websites index file and copy its "Public Link".

If you practice not want your site to be indexed by Google (Simpler) please continue below. Otherwise proceed on to the next step.

Sign back into your Freenom account and nether the "Domains" tab select "My Domains". Next click the "Manage Domain" push on the correct side of your favorite domain proper noun. Under "Management Tools" select "URL Forwarding". Next paste your Dropbox public link into the "URL Forwarding Box" and select "Frame (cloaking) (default)" from the drop downwards list beneath.

Within one-ten minutes your website volition be publicly available at your domain name. Just information technology is unlikely to be high ranking in Google equally you have no keywords or description other than your domain.

If you search your domain in Google in the following weeks you lot will be greeted by a very obviously result.

Step iii: Setup Your Secondary Server

You lot will now need to register for a Git Hub business relationship.
Later registering and confirming your e-mail, login. Once y'all are logged in to you lot new Git Hub business relationship select the "Create New" button beside your user proper name. Under repository proper noun type in "" Annotation: replace YOUR-USERNAME with your actual username.

You will at present need to create 3 files and a binder in your repository.


In this file type nothing but your domain name in my case "www.Zero-Orange.TK"

For example:

If your CNAME file contains, then world wide will redirect to your CNAME file contains, then will redirect to


In this file you will setup your own personal cloaking iframe with optional keywords, description, and site symbol.

Identify the public link to you lot Dropbox "index.htm" file in the iframe code. (To get the public link correct click on the index.html file in your dropbox folder and select "public link")

Open up the index.html file above and fill in the blanks as specified. Then copy this lawmaking into your repository.

/(Website Name)

In this folder copy all of the source files of your website. This will be your backup site if anything ever happens to your Dropbox.


This file allows for a custom 404 page. Or in this case an alternate iframe.

Open the alphabetize.html file to a higher place and fill in the blanks as specified, merely instead of your Dropbox public link, identify the public link to the index in your /(Website Name) file.

Footstep 4: Link the Domain and Site Using DNS

Next you will need to get to and create and account. DNS pod volition allow you to assign a DNS spider web address to your current web address.Click on the dark-green "Add a Domain Button" then enter your chosen domain name. Adjacent click on your domain name (In red). Press the dark-green "Add Records" button and add together two records to your domain. A "world wide web" "CNAME" file to point to your and a "@" "CNAME" file to point to your domain name. NOTE the three proper noun servers listed in your domain files ( A.DNSPOD.COM, B.DNSPOD.COM, and C.DNSPOD.COM)

Now you must log back in to your Freemon account.

Under the "Domains" tab select "My Domains". Next click the "Manage Domain" button on the correct side of your favorite domain proper name. Under "Management Tools" select "Nameservers". Select "Use Custom Nameservers" and blazon the three nameservers from your DNSPod account in the spaces provided. When you lot are done select "Alter Nameservers". Your website is now online at your chosen domain.

Pace 5: Become Your Site on Google

This is the final and final stride in the process. Go to Google Webmaster Tools ( and sign in with your Google account. Press the "Add A Property" push on the top right and enter your chosen domain. When prompted to verify buying, select the "Alternate" tab and cull the "HTML tag" paste this tag into the head of your GitHub "index.html" file and press "Verify". You website will be on Google within a couple of hours.

Footstep vi: Test It Out and Savour!

Check out my site: Just4FunMedia.TK
Or the Example site: Nix-Orange.TK

Both of which are hosted in this way. Have a great day and enjoy your new website! :-)

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