
How To Upload File To Ec2 Instance

Uploading and downloading files in AWS case can exist washed using Filezilla customer or Linux scp control. If you are a windows user, you tin can use WinSCP for transferring files to your EC2 example.

In this tutorial, I volition explain how you can transfer files to AWS ec2 instances using the following methods.

  1. Re-create Files Using Filezilla Client (GUI Based).
  2. Copy files using SCP (Works simply on Linux/MAC systems)

Upload Files To EC2 using FileZilla

To transfer files to ec2 Linux case, we will utilize FileZilla

You tin download the FileZilla client from hither Download FileZilla.

Step1: Install and open FileZilla

Step2: Become To Edit–>Settings–>SFTP

Note: By default, AWS ec2 instances come with a individual key for login. We will use that private key with Filezilla. If yous want to setup a password-based access, cheque out the ec2 password setup blog.

Click add together central file and add together your .ppk key of your AWS case and and then click ok. You lot tin can catechumen the AWS pem file to ppk using puttygen. Refer to this tutorial –> How To Create .ppk File Using PuttyGen

ec2-upload-download filezilla SFTP

Step3: In the FileZilla homepage enter the host details (public IP, rubberband IP or the public DNS) and enter the username in the relevant field. ( username varies for different images.

For ubuntu Example, the username volition exist ubuntu, for Linux machines, the username volition be ec2-user) .

Leave the password field empty, since we are using the private key for hallmark.

Port number is 22 for SFTP. Once you enter all the necessary details click connect.

Filezilla will be connected to your server instance and you tin view your server files and folders.


Step4: File Upload And Download:- Once FileZilla is continued to your server instance, you can upload files to your case, and likewise you tin can download files from your server instance.

The local site is your local system files. The remote site is your server instance.

To upload files choose the directory on your server where you want your files to exist uploaded.

Now select the file to be uploaded and right-click on it. Click the upload file pick. Your file starts uploading to the directory y'all selected. Similarly, you can download files from your server instance by right-clicking the file.

Few of import things to understand,

  1. Since you are logging in as a user, you cannot upload the files to the root directory due to permissions issues. Alternatively, upload the files to the user abode directory and re-create it to the desired location using whatsoever ssh client like putty.
  2. You will be uploading and downloading files as a normal user and not a root user. So the files which are owned by root cannot be uploaded and downloaded. You volition get permission denied fault when you endeavour to download a file owned past root.

So, if yous want to download those files, ssh into the machine and change the owner of that file to the normal user using the following command.

sudo chown user:user /folder/file

In the above command, the user is your instance's default username. For example, for ubuntu instances, information technology'south ubuntu and for RHEL instances its ec2-user. Give the username appropriately. If you want to modify the owner of a recursive folder, add together a -R switch to the control, as shown below.

sudo chown -R user:user /folder/file

Upload File Using SCP Command Line Utility

If you lot are using a Linux or Mac system, you tin can use the scp utility to upload or transfer files to ec2 example.

Note: Ensure that your pem file has just read permission to it. Or else the connection might fail.

Permit'southward have a wait at the syntax.

scp -i /path/to/key.pem file-name [email protected]:/path/to/user/home

For example,

scp -i /keys/mykey.pem file.txt [email protected]:/home/ubuntu        

If you want to copy a whole folder, then you should utilize a recursive flag -r with the command as shown beneath.

scp -i /keys/mykey.pem -r folder-proper name [electronic mail protected]:/abode/ubuntu        

I hope this article helps. Permit me know in the comments section if you face whatsoever errors.

If you desire to copy files from Windows to Linux, cheque out my windows to Linux file copy guide.


Transferring files to ec2 servers is very essential when yous host applications like wordpress in ec2.

Always make sure you follow good security practices and provide only required permission to the files in the server.

Likewise, always enable correct security group rules to enable an extra layer of the firewall to reduce the attack surface of your websites.

How To Upload File To Ec2 Instance,


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