
How To Upload Work On Blackboard

Notation: Before you can utilise Panopto and Blackboard together, your Blackboard grade must exist linked to Panopto. This process is called provisioning, and the steps are detailed in Getting Started with Panopto.

Now that Panopto is provisioned for your Blackboard form, it'south fourth dimension to start using the tools together. The post-obit overview from Panopto support is a slap-up style to learn the basics of recording, uploading, sharing, and editing. Please annotation that the folder in Blackboard in their demonstration is called Panopto Video. At JHU, the corresponding folder is typically chosen Panopto Recordings (though you lot can proper name it whatever y'all similar).

If you don't have fourth dimension to picket the video above, here is some particular on the nigh frequently asked questions about using Panopto with Blackboard.

FAQ Topics:

  • Practise I need to testify the Panopto Recordings link for my students to run into the videos?
  • Can I link to individual videos in other parts of my grade?
  • Can I group multiple videos together to go along the Blackboard page from becoming too long?
  • Can I add a quiz to my video?
  • Tin the students upload videos to Panopto?
  • Can I edit my video afterwards recording?
  • Does Panopto support closed captions?
  • Tin can I tell if my students are watching the videos?
  • What if I need to copy my grade?

Show Link of Panopto Recordings from Blackboard MenuDo I need to show the Panopto Recordings link for my students to see the videos?

Each course (Homewood) has a link called Panopto Recordings. This link is hidden past default. the Panopto Recordings link corresponds to the folder on Panopto that is associated with your course. In this Panopto binder, students enrolled in the course have rights to view everything, and faculty/TAs in the course have rights to view/edit/delete all the recordings. If yous want students to see all the videos in your Panopto folder at one time, then but "show link" for the Panopto Recordings menu item.

Can I link to individual videos in other parts of my course?

Instead of showing the Panopto Recordings menu link (to a higher place), go out it subconscious, which information technology is past default. Then, choose a method from those listed below to add together individual links in your course.

First, go into any content area (like Class Content). Then, decide whether you lot would like a normal, text-based link or an embed.

To create a text-based link, cull click on the Tools carte du jour and choose Panopto Video Link:

Panopto Video Link from Blackboard Menu

From the dropdown menu, select the source course (usually the course you're working in) and cull the video.

You lot can requite the link a custom name and clarification or take the default. So, press submit and OK on the side by side screen. The link is created in the content surface area and looks similar this:

Example of link setup using Panopto video Link

This type of simple text link will open up in a new window and the student will have the entire Panopto viewer experience.

Some faculty prefer to embed Panopto videos inside a page so that students don't take to get out the Blackboard page. This is too possible with Panopto. Showtime in any content area and cull Build Content>Panopto Video Embed:

Panopto Video Embed Menu item in Blackboard

Side by side, make certain you lot are in the right binder on the drop-down menu. Then, only select the video you lot wish to embed and press Insert Video. The video is embedded in the content area and looks similar this:

Example of embedded Panopto video in Blackboard

The student can play this video directly on the page. You can rename and add a clarification using the embeded video'south drop down meun at the top. The student can click on the diagonal arrow to pop the video out into a new window for the total Panopto viewer experience. Or, they tin can click on the dashed square icon in the lower right to make it full screen. The embedded histrion has most of the features of the total Panopto viewer, but because the viewing size is smaller, the menu overlays can crowd the player. This Panopto aid page describes the full features of the embedded viewer.

Links or embeds can exist in whatsoever content surface area, or any folder within a content expanse.

There is another, less mutual way to link to Panopto videos in a Blackboard course. This method presumes you are working within an Item (or any other Blackboard feature with the editor) in Blackboard. Yous can choose Panopto Video whatever time you run across the Mashups carte:

Panopto Mashups Menu Item

This substantially takes you to the saem embed screen above, and lets you lot embed a Panopto video in a Blackboard Detail, Word Board Mail, etc.

Information technology is besides possible to manually add links or embed code anywhere HTML is supported. This approach is not recommended for beginners, but all the information yous need to link or embed videos manually is available in the settings of each video or folder.

Tin can I grouping multiple videos together to keep the Blackboard page from condign too long?

Yes! Panopto supports a characteristic called Playlists. Offset, accept a look at Panopto's instructions for creating a playlist. You can skip step4 (Sharing) considering you'll exist creating this playlist within your class's Panopto binder, so the permissions will already be prepare.

After yous've created the playlist and verified that it works, you tin can embed the playlist using the embedding instructions in a higher place.

Can I add together a quiz to my video?

Aye! Panopto supports adding quizzes using the editor. Panopto quizzes are not as versatile or full-featured as Blackboard quizzes and should be used more than as knowledge checks or to pause upwards longer videos. The typical beliefs of a video with an embedded quiz is for the video to play, then terminate at the fourth dimension where the quiz is inserted, make the viewer respond the quiz, so allow them to procees viewing the residuum of the video.

To go started, acquire how to insert a quiz with the Panopto editor. After you have added a quiz to your video, you lot can consider whether you lot want the quiz results to automatically flow to the Blackboard Grade Center. This is a more than advanced topic and should exist contacted for assist.

Can the students upload videos to Panopto?

By default, students just have viewing rights to the Panopto folder for your form. If yous would similar students to exist able to upload content, delight see our page devoted to this topic: Using Panopto for Student Recordings.

Tin can I edit my video afterwards recording?

Yep! Panopto's editor is browser-based (zip to download) and available to anyone with rights to create videos. The Panopto editor is non every bit full featured equally offline editors, but it'due south easy to learn and use. While information technology is possible to add material using the editor, or stitch together some videos, it is best to think of the Panopto editor as subtractive rather than condiment. Recording in Panopto is a largely linear procedure - y'all begin recording, cover all your cloth, and cease recording. If you make mistakes during a Panopto recording, it is oft nigh efficient to simply intermission and beginning speaking once again earlier the mistake. Then, using the editor, simply cut out the mistake. By far, the almost common utilize of the Panopto editor is to trim the beginning and end of recordings. The editor has a lot of features, which are well documented:

All Panopto back up documentation on editor features

All Panopto support how-to videos on editor features

Does Panopto back up airtight captions?

Aye! Machine-generated captions are included in our Panopto contract. It is also possible to lodge human-generated captions for a fee. To apply the machine-generated captions to your video, follow this set of instructions. If you lot are confident that you desire motorcar-generated captions practical to all the videos in your Panopto folder, this can be setup to happen automatically. Contact . This feature is all-or-nix and tin crusade synch bug if yous edit before the captions have been fully applied.

If you take a student with a captioning accomodation, coordinate with Pupil Disability Services (AS/EN) to adapt for homo captioning for your course.

Can I tell if my students are watching the videos?

Panopto keeps extremely deatiled viewing statistics on every recording. Considering students are logged into Blackboard when they access the videos, Panopto statistics can be used to examine overall class viewing trends or individual viewing history.

To admission statistics at the binder level, click on the Panopto Recordings in your course bill of fare and expect for this icon:

Panopto Folder Statistics Icon

To access statistics for individual videos, hover over the video and look for this icon:

Panopto Video Statistics Icon

For more information: Overview of Statistics; Statistics by User

What if I need to re-create my course?

Blackboard course copy and Panopto is a somewhat complex topic. Blackboard and Panopto are integrated, but they don't run on the aforementioned servers. If you lot do a normal form re-create in Blackboard, the Panopto videos actually stay in the source course, and Panopto grants the new grade access to them. For instance, permit'southward say you lot accept a grade Art History 101 Fall 2019 with 10 Panopto videos. You lot copy this form in Blackboard to Art History 101 Fall 2020. The Fall 2020 course volition have it's own Panopto folder, which will be empty. But the students in Fall 2020 will have viewing rights to the videos in Fall 2019. This way, if yous had Panopto links inside the content areas in you class, you won't take to modify annihilation and the links should still work. But, y'all could also add together new videos into Fall 2020 that only the Fall 2020 students are able to come across. If you copy courses over and over, year to twelvemonth, this tin actually get quite confusing. Depending on your scenarios, it can sometimes exist cleaner to just motility the videos into the new class when you copy it. If you don't recycle videos (some classes simply capture lectures) and so this is less of an issue. If you're non certain what's going on with course copy or need help, contact

NOTE: Don't see your question answered here? Contact for more than information.

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